James Mead by James Mead

Week 297 - Interesting links

Commercial Contracts: Guarantees, commitments and risks

I agree with most of the sentiments in this article and I’m interested in learning more about how Energized Work have put the idea of committing to outcomes in client contracts into practice. JM

Investment rats

I love the fact that Michael Marcovici managed to train rats to “outperform some of the world’s leading human fund managers”. JM

Why BDD works solo, and why that matters for everyone

I’m sure that many of the reasons I’m not keen on using Cucumber stem from the difficulty of developing a shared understanding of how to write and organise features and scenarios when working on a multi-person developer team. So I can definitely see why using Cucumber would be a lot less painful when working on a one-man project. JM


Both Chris and Amy have recommended the Radiolab podcast, so although I’ve never really got into listening to podcasts, I plan to give it a go. JM

Known - Indieweb publishing platform

I’ve been following Known’s development for a while so it was good to see them announce a beta version last week. You can read more in the blog post announcing Known and even listen to Known’s creators on This Week in Google 266. CR

IndieWebCamp UK 2014

Tantek has done a great job of documenting the achievements of IndieWebCamp UK. It’s interesting to see how many people took the time to set-up https for their websites. The use of SSL certainly seems to be gaining traction at the moment. CR

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