Chris Roos by Chris Roos

Week 294 - Interesting links

The Bellman - an interactive short story

I really enjoyed moving through this short story. Having the sentences appear forced me to slow down and really read the story; rather than skim reading it, which is what I tend to naturally do.

While clicking through some of the images made me smile, I’m not sure they necessarily added anything to the enjoyment of the story itself.

Here’s what the author has to say about it (via the Chrome Experiments detail page):

The Bellman is a web-only adaptation of part of a novella by Daniel Harley. The story is interactive, with parallax scrolling and clickable photographs. Overall, The Bellman is an experiment in Internet storytelling, attempting to tell the story in a way that is unique to the medium.

Note that it can take a while to load the page and it probably then took me around 10 minutes to get through the story. CR

jq - command-line JSON processor

This looks like a pretty neat little utility. I saw it mentioned in a stack overflow answer that explained how to use it to query the JSON that comes back from the Trello API.

If you don’t fancy installing it to have a play then you can give it a go on the jq play website. CR

SICP Distilled - A kickstarter project

Many congratulations to Tom Hall on his successfull kickstarter project: Tom’s received £10,000 of his £3,500 goal at the time of writing, which is awesome :-) CR

If you have any feedback on this article, please get in touch!

Historical comments can be found here.
