James Mead by James Mead

Week 275

So last week was another short working week, but despite that I’ve somehow managed to be a week late in writing up our notes. Sorry. Anyway, I’ll keep this brief…

Chris was still on holiday in Portugal for the first half of the week. While he was away, Tom S persuaded me to watch the DHH Rails Conf keynote1 on our projector. So that’s an hour of my life I’m not going to get back. However, I did enjoy the ensuing discussions with Tom in the office over the next couple of days.

In the spirit of trying to automate some of our admin tasks, I knocked up a quick script to backup our Trello data to Dropbox. I haven’t used the APIs for either Trello nor Dropbox before, so that was of some vague interest. As usual the main hurdle with both of them was authentication, but I got there in the end.

When Chris was back I introduced him to the new company song, We are the Battery Human by Stornoway, which was suggested by Chris L’s brother. We plan to sing along to it every morning when we arrive in the office:

Cause we’re the new generation, generation! We are the battery human! But we were born to be free range. Free range. Whoa.

Work-wise, we continued on the FutureLearn video project. Progress was slower than we’d have liked, but we definitely made progress.

Paul very kindly brought his old coffee maker into the office, so now we can brew vast quantities of Pact Coffee with very little effort. Thanks, Paul.

I finished off the week with a quick lunchtime trip to the Matisse: The Cut-Outs exhibition with Tom W. The exhibition was great, if a bit busy, and it was good to catch up with Tom too.

Anyway, that’s all folks. Hopefully the notes for this week won’t be quite as tardy.

– James.

  1. Intentionally not linked. 

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