James Mead by James Mead

Wednesday Links - Week 261

We’ve decided to switch publication of our links to Wednesdays from now on.

LightPaper for Mac

I came across this Markdown editor over Christmas and love it. I’ve tried Mou (which admittedly has a slightly different purpose) in the past but never really got into the habit of using it, while I’m already using LightPaper most days. One of the things I love about LightPaper is the ability of show a tree view of a folder structure (rather than being limited to opening a single file at a time).

If you tend to write in markdown and use a Mac then it’s definitely worth giving it a go. CR

Introducing Open Salaries at Buffer: Our Transparent Formula and All Individual Salaries

This is another one from the end of last year. I absolutely love this level of transparency at Buffer. Reading this reminds of some of the ways that I’d like to be more transparent about what we do/how we work at GFR. CR

How I Launched an Email Course to 500+ People

I was interested enough by what Brandon had to say that I’ve signed up for his course on building a Ruby gem. I’ve only had a couple of installments so far, but I think it’s quite nicely produced. JM

Presenters to Widgets with ActiveModel::Conversion

I think this trick which means you can use render object to render a partial corresponding to a presenter object is potentially quite useful. JM

the changelog

I’ve signed up for their weekly email - it looks like a nice way to keep up with goings-on in the open-source world. Depending on how useful I find it, I may become a member. JM


I think this JavaScript library would’ve been useful on one of our internal projects a while ago - I remember a lot of grief trying to handle the flakiness of a web socket connection. JM

Why pair design?

I’m not sure this article sheds much light on the matter, but it’s interesting that other people are doing such things. JM


I think this is a neat idea. Just add markdown documents to a docs directory in your Github repo and view them at http://<github-username>.viewdocs.io/<repository-name>. JM

indie Phone

There’s not much information to go on, but this open-source mobile phone sounds intriguing. Having said that, I’ve just found these two videos of presentations by Aral Balkan which have slightly put me off! JM

If you have any feedback on this article, please get in touch!

Historical comments can be found here.
