Chris Roos by Chris Roos

Monday Links - Week 246

The Internet Failed

This is a slide from the Personal clouds meetup (original slides) that really resonates with me. It does feel as though we’ve reduced the Internet to a thing that allows us to connect to Google, Twitter, Facebook and all the other big players; rather than embracing its distributed nature to allow us all to connect as equals. CR

How #xoxofest and #indiewebcamp saved me, in a way

I enjoyed reading this moving story of one person’s struggle to re-find motivation to work on his own software. CR

Lanyrd: from idea to exit - the story of our startup

I had no idea that Natalie and Simon had started building Lanyrd while travelling the world. JM

A simple git branching model

This is pretty close to how I prefer to develop – at least it is if I have to use feature branches – and it’s pretty close to how we’re working at FutureLearn. JM

To-Do Lists Don’t Work

While I agree with the problems outlined, I’m far from convinced using a calendar is the best solution. JM

If you have any feedback on this article, please get in touch!

Historical comments can be found here.
