Chris Roos by Chris Roos

Week 820

Week beginning Monday 30 September, 2024.

Mission Patch 🚀

James is continuing to port the Mission Patch designer to Rails. It’s nearly feature complete and doesn’t require any JavaScript - that’ll come later in the form of enhancements to the core functionality. James took a slight detour to upgrade to Bootstrap 5 in the Svelte version of Mission Patch, in order to make it easier to port to Rails.

I’m still seeing a failure when running the tests on my laptop: the generated mission patch image differs (impercetibly to my eye) from the fixture file. I’ve started exploring using pixelmatch to see whether we can get confidence that the images are equal enough without being a pixel perfect match.

James and I spent a while investigating Content Security Policy (CSP) errors and warnings we’re seeing in the browser and Rollbar. We have CSP in report-only mode at the moment but we were still seeing errors appear in Rollbar. It transpires that as well as manually sending the CSP violations to Rollbar as warnings from our reporting endpoint, we’d also enabled the autoInstrument.errorOnContentSecurityPolicy setting which caused Rollbar to report them as errors. We’ve disabled the latter of these two for now which means we still get the reports logged in Rollbar but only as warnings and not as errors.

I fixed a bug that meant it was only possible to type one character at a time in Mission Patch designer text fields. I didn’t get to the bottom of what caused it but discovered that disabling SvelteKit’s preloading of the designer fixed it. Given that we’re porting the designer to Rails we’ve agreed that it’s not worth investigating further.

I continued to make progress on implementing the homepage redesign and am currently digging through previous orders to find some good examples to highlight - we’re intending to copy the style/image but to change the text as we haven’t asked for permission to display any of the previous orders.

Jam 🎶

We received another external contribution to Jam recently, and Chris spent some time this week tidying it up and getting it merged.

RubyForge redirects 🔗

We had more conversations with Ruby Central and made a little more progress on the RubyForge redirects project. We discovered that redirects to from something hosted on a Fastly IP, which led us to Fastly’s Redirects which look like a promising solution to this problem.

Money, money, money 💷

We’ve decided not to pursue the R&D tax credits claim we were looking at last week. There was only a single project during the period that might have been eligible so we decided it wasn’t worth the time to claim.

Chris and James chatted to Grantify about the possibility of grant funding for Mission Patch, Jam or some other future project. It sounds as though both Mission Patch and Jam are suitable candidates so we now need to decide whether we’re willing to risk the application cost as there are no guarantees we’d be successful.

If you have any feedback on this article, please get in touch!

Historical comments can be found here.
