Chris Roos by Chris Roos

Week 446 - Interesting links

Learn Vue 2: Step By Step

I’ve been working though these tutorials on the JavaScript framework Vue.js. Each episode is short, practically focussed and well presented. It’s also been very beneficial to see other people attempt the exercises and share them in the comments. It would be great if each episode included the source code but I’m really impressed by the quality of this free resource. CL

direnv – Unclutter your .profile

This looks like a neat alternative to the Ruby-specific dotenv. It allows for per-directory shell environment settings without requiring you to add another Gem to your project. Via this recent Unboxed Roundup. CR

Visualising transparency, for AllTrials / mySociety

I saw Ben Goldacre speak about All Trials quite a few years ago but hadn’t really heard anything about it since. I’m pleased to hear that the work has been continuing and the results are now available. CR

Commit bit

The Cucumber folk have come up with this interesting service to help manage open-source projects on GitHub. The service integrates with GitHub and hands out commit privileges to anyone who gets a pull request accepted. The idea is that this reduces the workload of the existing team and lowers the barrier of entry for new team members. JM

Applying Lean Techniques to Improve Software Engineering Education [pdf]

I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I was pleased to see that Rob Chatley and his co-author have published this paper on applying lean techniques to their course at Imperial College, London. This is something Rob has talked about a few times at our Show & Tell events. JM

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