Friday 31st March, 2017
Week 428 - Interesting links
Git hosting for Co-operators
Our fellow CoTechers at the Webarchitects Coop have set up this GitLab instance for use by members of their cooperative. You can join as an individual or an organisation by investing as little as £1. Go Free Range is in the process of joining and we’re planning to help them test the service. — JM
A Fatal Mistake | The Sinking of the El Faro
This is a bit random, but I was pretty amazed to read this account of the relatively recent loss of a container ship with all hands in these days of sophisticated weather forecasting. — JM
Government organisation register
Finding a canonical list of government organisations was something I remember wrestling with when we built the GOV.UK Whitehall app, so it’s interesting to see this new register with Neil Williams as its custodian. — JM
Learn to code electronic music tools with JavaScript
I’m enjoying participating in
this FutureLearn course from Goldsmith’s
University. I’ve been involved with the development of
the Web Audio API for a
long time and it’s exciting for me to see it being used in classroom
teaching. As a former employee of FutureLearn it’s also fun to be
taking a course “from the other side”. — CL
Reinventing Organizations
I’ve been reading Frederic Laloux’s book “Reinventing Organizations”
after hearing an interview with the author
Ricardo Semler’s podcast. I’m
not sure I fully buy in to the evolutionary arguments put forward in
the book, but the detailed case studies of different types of
organisations and how they work are fascinating. I particularly
enjoyed learning about the decentralised way
Buurtzorg Neighborhood Nursing in
The Netherlands works. — CL
LOOPY: a tool for thinking in systems
This project is part of Explorable Explanations, a movement to make learning active, not just passive. I found the example simulations pretty mesmerising! Via Ben G. — JM
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Historical comments can be found here.