James Mead by James Mead

Week 308

Our usual stint at FutureLearn was somewhat interrupted this week – we spent Wednesday and Friday in our own office – but we still did a bunch more pair programming. I’m increasingly convinced that this is a really important activity in bigger teams and on larger code bases.


Tuesday saw the second meeting of the London XYZW Club held at GFRHQ. Unfortunately neither Chris or I could make it, but reportedly Ben G had made significant progress with his software 3D renderer. Notably it’s now capable of rendering a model with per-vertex diffuse and specular lighting and of using a shading model called Gouraud shading.

GFR Mullfest

On Wednesday we spent the first half of the day planning what to do with everything in the office when the lease comes to an end in January (sob). We spent the rest of the day preparing for the annual Go Free Range Mullfest – moving furniture, putting up Xmas lights, etc.

After a nervous half an hour wondering whether anyone was going to turn up, our friends started to arrive. Chris did a brilliant job preparing the mulled wine and much merriment ensued into the small hours. Thanks to everyone for coming – we hope you had fun!

Packing up

We spent a lot of Friday packing smaller less useful items into boxes and then had them shipped to a self-storage company, Urban Locker, underneath the post office on Old Street. We’ve rented our very own “lock-up” where we’re going to put all the decent stuff from the office.

The idea is that we’ll try to rent some new office space in February next year when Chris is back from his hols.

– James.

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