Jason Cale by Jason Cale

Week 162

This week has been a heads down kind of week, our handover of the Whitehall app is progressing well, and we are all working on refining the product for an upcoming release. It is feeling nice and collaborative, and it is really interesting to be working in an inflated team size; lots of commits, banter and cross pollination.

Most of the time you cannot rebase against the master branch (of our source code repository) on Github, run the test suite, and then push without needing to pull in new changes from the repository. This always makes me wonder if I should run the tests again, ad-infinitum.

I’ll admit I’m running out of juice since I posted my tardy week-notes on Tuesday.

So instead I would like to give a roll call for the (development team) who is currently involved in coaxing the project down the road of delivery. I’d like to do this as a document of our new size, and the support we have as we dive into our last week of handover to the rest of the core GovUK team.

It should be said a whole load of unnamed editors and folks around the edges, the supportive team members of GDS, who aren’t listed here.

If you aren’t listed and think you should be, I apologise, your work is felt and appreciated very much.

Peace and big love folks,

If you have any feedback on this article, please get in touch!

Historical comments can be found here.
