Wednesday 27th April, 2016
Week 377
James was away on a skiing course this week.
I spent most of my time working on Smart Answers. There was plenty to do for the start of the 2016/17 tax year.
Smart Answers
2016/17 updates for registering births and deaths
I merged the PRs that were created last week.
2016/17 updates for marriage-abroad
The work to update the services and fees for marriage-abroad took a lot longer than I would’ve liked. I’m sure I could’ve made these updates without changing so much of the system but I think/hope the changes leave things in a better state.
PR 2433 - Extract marriage-abroad fees to YAML file. I merged Erik’s changes to extract the fees to a YAML file.
PR 2434 - Extract marriage-abroad service data. This results in the data about the services that are available in each ceremony country all living in a single place.
PR 2438 - Update marriage-abroad services. This updates the names of the services so that they’re all consistent, and updates the services offered in the various ceremony countries.
PR 2437 - Add 2016/17 rates for marriage-abroad. In preparation for the 2016/17 tax year.
PR 2442 - Add fees table to outcome_opposite_sex_marriage_in_colombia. Replace a hardcoded price in the template with the partial that renders the service information from the YAML file.
PR 2443 - Remove marriage-abroad unused service data. Tidy up some of the service data that’s not used.
These changes meant that I ended up closing the PR I opened last week:
Refactoring marriage-abroad
PR 2444 - Refactor marriage-abroad PACS outcomes. Replace anonymous arrays of countries with intention revealing methods.
PR 2448 - Avoid fixtures in WorldwideOrganisation tests. This is in preparation for updating some fixture data we have in the repository. I want to update the data to make it easier to run a fuller set of regression tests for marriage-abroad.
Started working on a branch to remove the duplication between the page titles we use on the marriage-abroad outcomes.
Bug in minimum-wage calculator
- PR 2441 - Fix minimum wage rates for people aged 24. I fixed a bug we were alerted to by exception emails from Errbit.
I created a couple of pull requests for Slimmer after encountering an exception in Smart Answers that appeared to be something we could/should handle:
Slimmer PR 143 - Rescue SSL errors in Skin#load_template. Raise a more descriptive exception if/when we encounter an SSL error.
Slimmer PR 142 - Update .ruby-version to 2.1.0. In an attempt to understand why I couldn’t “use” the .ruby-version in the project.
I only really did the minimum admin required to keep things ticking over this week.
– Chris
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Historical comments can be found here.