James Adam by James Adam

Monday Links - Week 244

The Feynman Lectures on Physics

It’s fantastic that Caltech and The Feynman Lectures Website have published these legendary lectures as HTML pages - and in such good quality too with LaTeX maths equations rendered in SVG using MathJax JavaScript. Now I just need to find time to read them! JM

Time slice images of the Thames

More self promotion!? Moi!? Never. Nah, just kidding, here’s some more shameless self promotion.

I started to play around with what I can do with all the images I’ve been capturing of the Thames, and came up with these time slice images (is that what they’re called?) and associated video. I’d love to have a set of these images over a long period of time (like, a year) so that you could visualise the shrinking and expanding daylight. CR

Host webpages on Google Drive

This is a handy little tip to allow you to host simple websites on Google Drive - I’ve definitely found myself wanting to demo simple HTML pages publicly in the past and this might just be a great way to do it. As far as I can tell, you’ll need to avoid converting the uploaded files in order to get the ‘Preview’ button mentioned on this page CR


“Going live” (although we don’t really like that phrase) on the 18th; you can sign up now to get early access to the first set of courses from FutureLearn partners. JA

Coder from Google

A raspberry pi image that makes it very easy to get started learning how to make websites, using a web interface to write HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Node code. It’s particularly nice that they’ve included a simple installer application (for the Mac at least). JA

Hot Pepper Game Reviews

Game reviews from people who have just chewed and swallowed incredibly hot peppers. I don’t know anything about the games they are reviewing, but this certainly makes compelling viewing. This quote from the end really made me laugh:

Uunfortunately… we’re going to keep going.


The Journey of Launching My First Product, “To Do Cal”

A pretty-long but very comprehesive writeup of one person selling the product they invented. Seeing all the hassle they went through is fascinating. This part in particular resonated with me and my own thoughts about how a person, or a company, should go about learning how to make things:

And here’s the terrifying part. You will probably lose it. You WILL probably fail. So you better learn something abso-freakin-lutely amazing to justify that loss. Go all out. Explore your options. And use that knowledge for next time, because there will be a next time and when there is you will do better.


If you have any feedback on this article, please get in touch!

Historical comments can be found here.
