
Recap is an opinionated set of Capistrano deployment recipes, designed to use git’s strengths to deploy applications and websites in a fast and simple manner.

Features & Aims

  • Releases are managed using git. All code is deployed to a single directory, and git tags are used to manage different released versions. No releases, current or shared directories are created, avoiding unnecessary sym-linking.

  • Deployments do the minimum work possible, using git to determine whether tasks need to run. e.g. the bundle:install task only runs if the app contains a Gemfile.lock file and it has changed since the last deployment.

  • Applications have their own user account and group, owning all of that application’s associated files and processes. This gives them a dedicated environment, allowing environment variables to be used for application specific configuration. Tasks such as env, env:set and env:edit make setting and changing these variables easy.

  • Personal accounts are used to deploy to the server, distinct from the application user. The right to deploy an application is granted simply by adding a user to the application group.


For more information, the main documentation can be found here.


The source code is available on Github.